Old Bradfordians and the Great War
Old Bradfordians and the Great War
A remembrance project at BGS paid its respects to over 230 former pupils who gave their life to serve their country in World War 1.
Old Bradfordians

Bradford Grammar School’s Old Bradfordians’ Association (OBA) collaborated with the school’s former Head of History, Nick Hooper, to reveal the identities and stories of those former pupils who died during the First World War.
The final ceremony remembered all those from the Bradford Grammar School community who were caught up in the courageous but tragic events of the First World War: those who were killed in action, or by subsequent disease, the bereaved, the lost, the families which were shattered, and those who held in silence unspeakable memories of warfare.
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“This has been a remarkable and poignant act of remembrance led by Nick and Trevor. It has brought together all members of the Bradford Grammar family, current and former pupils, parents and staff, and a great many prominent civic figures.
We have come together and commemorated as a community. Profound, deeply moving and a project that has connected the school and our friends to moments in our shared history.”
Simon Hinchliffe, BGS Headmaster
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