Make a Gift – Shares Giving

to Bradford Grammar School

Donating Shares & Securities

Donating shares is one of the most
tax-effective ways you can give money.

When you make a gift of shares to the School, you can claim tax relief equal to the market value of the shares on the day you make the gift, together with any associated costs such as brokers’ fees. The relief is against your income tax for the year. Additionally, you will not have to pay any Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on any increase in the value of the shares since you bought them. If your shares have gone down in value, you should be aware that you will not be able to use this loss to offset any other CGT liability you may have.

Qualifying shares and securities

You can donate shares and securities which are listed on the UK Stock Market, the Alternative Investment Market, and recognised stock exchanges overseas. Units in a UK unit trust, shares in a UK open-ended investment company (OEIC), and some similar foreign investments also qualify.

Making your gift of shares

The Development Office here in School is happy to handle the process for donors wishing to make a gift of shares. In this instance, you will need to send us your share certificate with a letter of instruction agreeing to the disposal of the shares, and we will send you a Transfer Deed, which we ask you to sign and return (you should also retain a copy for your records). We can then forward the certificate and Transfer Deed to our broker, instructing them to sell the shares and transfer the proceeds to the School.

Some donors prefer to handle the gift themselves. You can do this by contacting your broker, or asking the company’s registrar to provide a Transfer Deed for you to complete and return. This is needed for Inland Revenue and includes the details (for instance, quantity of units to transfer and Fund name) and date of the gift. The company registrar then issues a new certificate in the name of Bradford Grammar School. Once received, we pass this to our broker to sell the shares on our behalf.

In either option we will write to you once the shares are sold, to confirm the final value of the gift.

Please contact the Development Office at if you would like further information on making a gift of shares.

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