The Autumn Hoc Age magazine, full of pupil achievements, events, trips and good news stories across the whole school, is now available online.
“I opened the first assembly of the year with the following words:
“… at BGS we say we are ‘at ease with excellence’. To me that means we do our best, nothing less. But we don’t let it go to our heads, we don’t get complacent. Excellence is not a snobby quality. Instead, we roll our sleeves up and get on with it, no nonsense”.
So, have we walked our talk? I think the following pages provide the answer. It has been a positive start to the year and I am proud of the young people at our School for what they have done and achieved, grateful to my colleagues for their hard work and to parents for their support. This magazine can only ever provide a flavour of the BGS experience, our social media fills in some of the details. When we take in the full scope of all that our School community does it is simply breath-taking. So much energy and appetite to embrace life!
Enjoy the articles that follow.”
Simon Hinchliffe, Headmaster
“Exciting times unfolded in the Junior School as class buddies and teachers said ‘hello!’ to over fifty new children at the beginning of term.
The children quickly settled into the routines and daily life of Clock House and new friendships were formed.
Noteworthy developments include the progress and activity in our new Reception and Year 1 building, which is now rising from its secure foundations in the area to the rear of the original Clock House building. This outstanding learning facility and associated grounds development will provide an ideal launchpad for our youngest learners when they join BGS in September 2024. We enjoyed meeting many of our prospective new families at our Open Events this term.
A particular highlight earlier in the term was the visit of the Children’s Choir of Africa. The visiting children, aged 10 to 15, spent a whole morning at the Junior School, showcasing their musical and dancing talents – including impressive backflips – in a joyful assembly. Following this, they engaged in teambuilding activities. After lunch, the visiting children joined the Clock House pupils at playtime, bringing smiles and joy to everyone as they danced and sang. The connections formed during this visit were truly heart-warming.
Clubs, fixtures, and educational visits have added further enrichment, with visits during the term to the Emergency Services Museum in Sheffield for Year 2, Leeds City Museum and Ancient Egyptian exhibits for Year 5 and a visit to Eden Camp to enhance the study of World War II for Year 6.
Enjoy reading more about life in Clock House this term and hearing from our Junior Journalists.”