ed cooper
TWELVE Old Bradfordians are tackling one of Yorkshire’s toughest challenges – the Three Peaks – in memory of their good friend Ed Cooper.

Danny Leach, Sam Ogden, Sam Baxter, Joe Buckley, James Johnson, Joe Rowbottom, Jon Wood, Alex Robinson, Dom Bailey, George Worthington, Owain Downes and James Celaire – will take on the challenge on Saturday April 9.

The friends will climb Whernside, Ingleborough and Pen-y-ghent and are hoping to complete the challenge in under 12 hours and raise £5,000 for the fund which was established in memory of Ed, who passed away in 2016 aged 19.

The Ed Cooper Memorial Fund was inspired by Ed’s visit to South Africa on a BGS rugby tour in 2014 against the township of Lagunya. There, the talented sportsman formed a friendship with his opposite number 10 and saved some money to buy him and his little brother South African rugby tops. Ed’s parents later set up the fund so they could commemorate their son’s generosity of spirit and help disadvantaged people through sport.

Said Ed’s friend Danny: “Saving up his money to buy two South African shirts was the kind of guy Ed was – he would see something and want to help out. As a group, we were only friends for about three years, but Ed impacted on all our lives in a big way. He was caring but he was also the life and soul of the party and would often have everyone in stitches. We all still have such a large amount of love for Ed and his family.”

The circular route of the Three Peaks is 24 miles long and includes 5,200 feet of ascent.

Added Danny: “We’d been wanting to do something in memory of him for a while and to support the charity so climbing the Three Peaks seemed like the perfect challenge. We’re all of different athletic abilities but we’re all determined to finish it!”

So far, the memorial fund has raised more than £25,000. One of the projects it has supported is a rugby development programme in Arusa and Moshi, where 320 children have taken part.

To make a donation log onto: The Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge for Ed | The Atlas Foundation (theatlascharity.org)


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