Parents’ Association
at Bradford Grammar School
Parents’ Association
The BGSPA are an informal and friendly group of parents who enjoy dedicating their time and talents to the school. Over the years, it has made a significant difference to the school by raising money for the ‘extras’ that really enhance school life.
For Parents
Our Bradford Grammar School Parents’ Association (BGSPA) organises social events and fundraising for pupils, parents and staff.
Some events are fundraisers while others are just socials. All are fun, so please join in! Always feel free to suggest new events, and keep coming back to this page for the latest BGSPA news and information.
The main aim of the BGSPA is to foster good relationships between staff and parents. Every parent in the School automatically becomes a member. We encourage everyone to get involved and join in with the various events and get-togethers. It is an ideal way of meeting other parents and being involved in the life of Bradford Grammar School. In addition, through the funds we raise, we support projects that benefit the school community. We encourage the staff and pupils to “bid” for funding and support. Recent examples are the annual subsidy of the Year 6 hoodies, the Year 7 PGL residential trip and the Year 13 Leavers’ books. Other examples include sport analysis equipment, a pupil suitable 3D printer for Clock House, pianos, World Book Day books for Clock House, bird boxes and a kiln.
If you have any enquiries, would like to get involved, or to be added to the WhatsApp group, please email
You can follow the BGSPA on Twitter @BGS_PA
The BGSPA provides a variety of support to the School, including the organisation of:
- Social events such as the annual Spring Fair
- Parents’ Induction Day
- Regular coffee mornings with guest speakers
- Annual General Meeting
- Refreshments at the Open Day
There are many different arms to the BGSPA including:
The Netball Parents’ Association
The Netball Parents’ Association does a huge amount of fundraising to support the teams, including the organisation of the well-established Christmas Fair and Fashion Show. The proceeds from these events go towards the overseas tour and charities as chosen by pupils.
The Hockey Parents’ Association
The School has a thriving Hockey Parents’ Association which meets regularly to organise social and fundraising events.
Hockey Parents’ Association minutes
The Rowing Parents’ Association
The Boat Club is supported by a very active Parents’ Association. You can follow us on twitter @BGS_ROWING
The Rugby Parents’ Association
The School has a thriving Rugby Parents’ Association which meets regularly to organise social and fundraising events including the Christmas Ball, Curry Night, Barbecue, presentation evenings and Golf Day
The Tennis Parents’ Association
Tennis has a very active Tennis Parents’ Association who support the teams at fixtures. The Association runs very enjoyable and successful fundraising events, including the annual May Ball, quiz nights and race nights
Second Hand Uniform Sales
Second Hand Uniform (SHU) including sport kit sales are held regularly in the Brownlee Pavilion which are run by members of the Parents’ Association. Sale dates are sent out to all parents directly. There is a collection box outside the Lodge at the Keighley Road entrance for uniform donations or you can bring donations to one of the sales. All profits from the sale of SHU go to BGSPA funds. You can also view the price list here. If you have any questions regarding SHU, please contact
Term Dates
Visit this page to find out more about our term dates and other useful dates.