Junior Academic Life
at Bradford Grammar Junior School
Education is an adventure and is treated as such at BGS
The enthusiasm and excitement shared by our staff and pupils prepare young people for the world beyond the classroom.
Junior School

We offer a broad and stimulating education at BGS with flexibility built into our curriculum.
From age 4 in Reception, the seeds of success are sown early. It is a place where children learn to spread their wings, discover their passions, and build strong roots for academic growth and success. Alongside our creative and enriching curriculum, our specialist staff give children the opportunity to explore and develop their talents. A solid start in our Junior School prepares young pupils for success in the Senior School, where they go on to excel academically and harness the love of learning which we’ve fostered from the early years.
All pupils receive lessons in English, mathematics, humanities, science, art, music, design technology, computing, religious studies, modern foreign languages, physical education (PE) taught by a specialist teacher, and personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE). Art, music, modern languages, design technology and sport are taught by subject specialist teachers.
We create growth environments for our pupils and take the time to notice and nurture individual interests, encouraging and supporting their development. It’s knowing our children well which makes us a family and allows them, in turn, to become confident and shine.
Find out more about our Curriculum:

Outdoor learning
Academic excellence is embedded in BGS, but ingredients and opportunities to develop individual and group potential extend beyond the confines of the classroom. As such, outdoor learning is a big part of our curriculum and we’ve recently invested in our natural spaces to create a new outdoor play area, amphitheatre and an upgraded outdoor classroom.
Evidence from several studies promote the educational benefits of being outdoors. Connecting with nature supports our cognitive development, providing opportunities to develop executive function and drawing on children’s natural curiosity to inspire creativity.
We use our outdoors space to support curriculum learning, for exploration, by our nature club, by our STEM ambassadors, for bush craft and to run our ever-popular perennial gardening club. Children welcome having the opportunity to learn in different ways and to be creative in their acquisition of knowledge and skills. They also become adept at building dens!
For a tour of our new natural play area and outdoor classroom come along to one of our Open Events.
“Thomas likes all the classrooms, lunch, facilities, lunchtime, clubs and going [over] to the Senior School.”
Year 5 parent
Junior Academic Life
Read our ‘Parent information’ booklets to find out more about the Junior School.