Make a Gift
to Bradford Grammar School
Make your mark. Help them make theirs.
You can show your support for The 1662 Fund for Assisted Places
at BGS in a number of ways.
Each year, BGS spends an average of £900,000 on Assisted Places, benefitting 10% of our student community. The generosity of Old Bradfordians, parents, staff and supporters will continue to play a vital part in enabling us to offer this support.
Read about our Assisted Places recipients and the donors who make these bursaries possible, here.
You can support BGS to continue to offer these educational opportunities that change lives and transform our communities in a number of ways.
If you would like to discuss any aspect of your donation, please contact the Development Team: or call us on: 01274 553710. If your call is not answered, please leave a message with your name and number and someone will call you back as soon as possible.
We endeavour to acknowledge all donations to BGS within three working days. If you don’t receive formal receipt of your donation, please contact, to ensure that your gift has been received safely.