Our NEW edition of ‘The Bradfordian’ (Issue 354, Autumn 2020) is now available to view online. This is BGS’s annual publication that includes a record of the previous school year featuring news from across the Junior School, Senior School and Sixth Form including ‘Communities, Societies and Activities, ‘Events and Visiting Speakers’, ‘Trips’, ‘Arts and Performance’ and ‘Sport’.
A message from the Headmaster, Simon Hinchliffe
“This past year, and our particular chapter of School history, will be long remembered. The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic forced changes upon Bradford Grammar School, affecting staff, pupils and their families, like no other challenge we have faced since our foundation. These have been, they continue to be, extraordinary times.
Lockdown did not stop BGS, instead we adjusted to a new school routine, and quickly too. We were determined early on to sustain pastoral, academic and co-curricular (wider learning) provision, and mimic as far as was practicable the rhythm of a normal school day.
The COVID-19 crisis has brought out both the very best and, let’s be honest, also the worst in people, and I have been minded to reflect on the following words, spoken by Alan K. Simpson: ‘If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don’t have integrity, nothing else matters.’
I have seen the best of Bradford Grammar this past academic year. My humble thanks are extended to Governors, colleagues, pupils and their parents, Old Bradfordians and friends of our School – the ‘BGS family’ – for your kind messages, understanding and support. Please do not underestimate the value of your words and deeds. We have acted collectively for the good of the young people at our School and also for those who will follow them in years to come. I am proud to be part of BGS.”
“I have seen the best of Bradford Grammar this past academic year. My humble thanks are extended to Governors, colleagues, pupils and their parents, Old Bradfordians and friends of our School – the ‘BGS family’ – for your kind messages, understanding and support…I am proud to be part of BGS.”