Our NEW edition of ‘The Bradfordian’ (Issue 355, Autumn 2021) is now available to view online. This is BGS’s annual publication that includes a record of the previous school year featuring news from across the Junior School, Senior School and Sixth Form including ‘Communities, Societies and Activities, ‘Events and Visiting Speakers’, ‘Trips’, ‘Arts and Performance’ and ‘Sport’.
A message from the Headmaster, Simon Hinchliffe
“It remains a privilege to be part of the Bradford Grammar School family as a parent and member of staff. From these complementary vantage points I can attest to the spirit and cooperative endeavour shown by our pupils, staff and parents this past year.
The pandemic has worn on and we have done our best to meet its attendant challenges. There is no sugar coating the difficulties we have shared and which in many senses are still with us. But there is no denying either that we have demonstrated some fortitude and confidence, supported each other by showing patience and understanding, lent a sympathetic ear and a helping hand, and kept smiling as much as possible. The proof of our success is clear and reflected in the continuity of education and care that our pupils have experienced in and out of lockdown, and also the positive mood and laughter when folk have been online together and on campus. Let’s not forget that there have been lighter moments too this past year. Needless to say, I am proud of our School family and perhaps see with clearer sight than ever before the true value of education and community.
There is a quote that I like, one I have kept coming back to since March 2020. It’s a well-known encouragement of sorts from an iconic film. It begins with ‘The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows’ but I particularly like the closing lines: ‘If you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth, but you gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that!’ (‘Rocky Balboa’, 2006).
These words as much as any seem apt to me, not just for present circumstances. And to Old Bradfordians of a certain vintage, please do not despair, for balance I’ll be channelling Herodotus next week! My grateful thanks are extended to Governors, colleagues, pupils and parents, Old Bradfordians, benefactors and friends of our School for everything you have contributed to BGS. We have continued to work hard on behalf of the pupils at our School, delivering the best education and best value we can muster to all BGS families. Our resolve to foster high aspirations and empower young people to make the most of every opportunity, thus enriching their own lives and those of others, remains undimmed. To these abiding tenets of School ethos, we hold true. Hoc Age.”
“I am proud of our School family and perhaps see with clearer sight than ever before the true value of education and community.”