The Old Bradfordian magazine is available to view online. Featuring news, case studies, features by OBs, events, sports and obituaries, the publication covers the period January 2023 to December 2023.
We hope that you will enjoy reading about what fellow Old Bradfordians have been up to and what has been going on this last year. We would love to see more former pupils back at School or at a regional event in the future.
If you are an Old Bradfordian or former member of staff, please do get in touch if you would like to submit an article for next year’s magazine. Contact or 01274 553710.
“BGS has, over the course of our long history, aspired to play a role on the civic scene, to be a good neighbour in Bradford. Young lives have been transformed by, for example, the Direct Grant and Assisted Places schemes of former governments, continued now by the school’s own means tested, fee assistance programme maintained under the auspices of our new 1662 Fund and through the generosity of our benefactors.”