Old Bradfordians’ Association
Old Bradfordians’ Association
Upon leaving BGS, pupils automatically become members of the Old Bradfordians’ Association (OBA), a community of more than 6,000 Old Bradfordians across the world.
Old Bradfordians

The Old Bradfordians’ Association works with the Development & Old Bradfordians’ Office on behalf of all Old Bradfordians, to promote good fellowship amongst Old Bradfordians and former staff and deliver a variety of reunions, events, and communications exclusive to our community.
The Committee comprises 12 members, who meet on a termly basis here in school.
There are opportunities for Old Bradfordians from a range of year groups to join the Committee; please contact oldbradfordians@bradfordgrammar.com if you are interested in joining.
A history of the OBA can be accessed here.
The aims of the group are:
- To promote good fellowship and contact amongst former pupils and staff worldwide
- To organise opportunities for all Old Bradfordians to come together
- To provide advice and assistance to current and former pupils
- To work with the school on major initiatives.
If you are interested in making contact with the OBA Committee or if you would like to submit an article for our Old Bradfordian magazine please get in touch via oldbradfordians@bradfordgrammar.com.
Read the Old Bradfordian magazine
Read the latest Old Bradfordian magazine for school news, OB case studies, events, sports updates and more.