The CEO of a passionate Yorkshire-based organisation, ‘Music and the Deaf’ visited Bradford Grammar School (BGS) to give Sixth Form students a unique enrichment session, with the aim of inspiring and educating them on the importance and impact of music and how deaf people can access, play and enjoy music.
According to Danny Lane, the Chief Executive Officer of ‘Music and the Deaf’ there is still a misconception that people with hearing loss can’t be musical. Music and the Deaf is the only UK charity entirely dedicated to providing access, education and opportunities in music for deaf children, young people and adults.
During the session students learnt all about Danny’s lived experience of deafness and the challenges that many deaf people face. He covered many topics including deaf awareness, how deaf people can engage with music, and how barriers to deaf people accessing music can be overcome, as well as teaching the students how to use sign language to communicate their names and where they live.
Sophie Yung, age 18 from Halifax said: “It was such an interesting session. I really admire Danny and he’s living proof that it’s more than possible for someone with profound hearing loss to become an accomplished musician and derive huge pleasure from listening to music.”
Danny explains: “Hearing loss shouldn’t be a barrier to enjoying and making music. It is proven that participation in music can play a crucial role in a person’s development: it promotes inclusivity, teaches young people how to work together, builds confidence, develops communications skills, and provides a vital outlet for self-expression.”
Angela McOwen, BGS Head of Sixth Form Enrichment said, “We were delighted to welcome Danny to BGS, and his visit has been a great success. He is a compelling speaker with a wealth of experience and wisdom drawn from his professional and personal life. We are so lucky that such a high profile charity has stopped off at BGS and made a real impact on our students.”
“The students really understood the message that there needs to be a lot more awareness of what deaf people can achieve and the expectations that deaf people can access, play and enjoy music. Danny made this really clear in his session, that it’s imperative to break down the barriers that prevent young people from having music in their lives.”
Danny continues: “I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to BGS and was very impressed by the School’s determination to develop an awareness and support for hearing impaired musicians to achieve high musical standards. I was especially impressed by the Sixth Formers who were both focused and mature but above all articulate and emotionally honest in their questions and answers.”
For all upcoming BGS events and speakers visit www.bradfordgrammar.com/bgsevents
“I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to BGS and was very impressed by the School’s determination to develop an awareness and support for hearing impaired musicians to achieve high musical standards.
I was especially impressed by the Sixth Formers who were both focused and mature but above all articulate and emotionally honest in their questions and answers.”