“It is vital in 21st Century Britain for access to be as wide as possible for ALL of today’s youngsters to be able to reach their potential in state-of-the art facilities like the ones the school offers.”
Chris Dinwoodie

“There is no doubt in my mind that Assisted Places are a vital tool in the school’s attempts to widen access to the brilliant education which the school provides.
My own experience, of benefiting the Direct Grant System, is difficult to establish precisely. However, I am sure that during the seven years I was at the school, I developed the skills to manage in the world of work, and (thankfully!) had a happy, fulfilling time as I went through my teenage years.
During a recent visit I was amazed at the way the school has developed, with specialist buildings for sports, the Arts, sciences and so on. All this needs funding as the school strives to keep pace with the rate of change in the world today.
And, in my opinion, it is vital in 21st Century Britain for access to be as wide as possible for ALL of today’s youngsters to be able to reach their potential in state-of-the art facilities like the ones the school offers. That is where Old Bradfordians can help.”