“Warmest congratulations to our GCSE students who have achieved a terrific set of exam results. Academic success at BGS reflects the positive way in which our students go about their studies, enjoying school, aspiring to laudable ambitions and ultimately doing themselves proud.”
Simon Hinchliffe

Aditya Anand 10A*s
Having started at BGS at six years old he and his mum said the school have been fantastic and supportive all the way through his education. Aditya said, “I really wasn’t expecting those results at all, I’m over the moon and definitely heading out with friends later to celebrate. His mum Raaji said all the credit goes to him, “We’re so proud, words cannot really express, it’s a beautiful moment.”

Tom Austin10A*s
Keen singer and guitarist, Tom Austin (16) from Ilkley had just returned from Greece where he qualified as a windsurfing instructor. He said he was, “really happy, it means I can study my favourite subjects for A level. I’m off on Rugby Tour tonight, so will celebrate then.” His mother Gail said, “The school has prepared him well. I’m so proud, Tom’s sister, Izzy got four straight A*s at A level last week – so the sibling pressure doesn’t seem to have affected him at all.”

Sam Watson11A*s
A keen Chess and War Games player, Sam (left) was absolutely over the moon with his results, “I’m just lost for words really, I don’t know what to say. I wasn’t expecting that, particularly with Further Maths, because it’s a more difficult subject. So I worked really hard during lunchtimes knowing it would be harder. I’m going to study Maths, Further Maths and Computer Science at A Level. I recently did some work experience with ARM, the UK’s leading technology company, on Mac-based chips, the same that Apple use, so I’d love to go into the computer side of things, I just find it all really interesting.”

Ibraheem Monks 9A*s and 1B
Ibraheem, a keen rugby player, gained 9A*s and 1B. His mother Shaheen said, “I’m shocked, really delighted. I witnessed how hard he studied, so he deserves his success.” Ibraheem said, “It’s still sinking in really. I really focused on my studies but still can’t believe it.”

Harry Bolland3A*s, 4As and 3Bs
Harry (left of photo) from Ben Rhydding, exceeded his expectations with his results and like his friend Sam (right), more than doubled his point score, having improved tremendously on mock results. He said, “I’m really happy with the outcome and it’s way better than I expected. I’m really into my sport so academically I feel I’ve done really well which is great.”

Alicia Hawksworth10A*s
Alicia said she felt, “really good, I’ll be celebrating at the Leeds Festival later on.” Mother, Helen, said she was, “elated and relieved that her hard work means that she’ll be able to pursue her chosen A Levels for a future career in cyber security.”

Christian Burke8A*s and 2As
Aspiring Oxbridge candidate, keen rower and debater, Christian (from Bradford) gained straight A*s and As. Christian said it was, “a big surprise – I’m feeling fine.” Father Michael commented, “The School has been great, they gave a lot of support.” Christian’s mother Lesley said, ‘It’s a lovely birthday present! Its brilliant, Christian worked hard so it all paid off. We’re off for a double celebration meal this evening.”

Umaira Waheed 9A*s and 1A
Umaira has her sights on studying Medicine. Umaira, who is one of numerous BGS pupils that benefit from an assisted place, said, “I’m really happy, I’m very grateful to the school, there’s no way I could have achieved this without the support I’ve had.” Her father, Mirza said, “I always believed in her, the whole family is extremely proud of her achievement.” Her mother Nagina, said, “We’re really chuffed – she definitely put the work in.”

Katie Elmore9A*s and 1A
Aspiring vet and Student Council member, Katie, said that she was, “feeling pretty good, glad that the waiting is over.” Mother Becky added, “Her results are well deserved, Katie has worked like a Trojan.”

Beatrice Kingsley 8A*s and 2As
Beatrice, singer and saxophonist from Bingley, gained eight A*s and two As. She said, “I didn’t believe it at first, I’m really happy. I’m going to chill with friends now that it’s over. I’m looking forward to my studies next year and getting more involved with the Debating Society to help with my Politics A level.”

Hanna Suleman9A*s and 1A
Hanna said “I’m just so relieved, I was so scared and now I just feel elated. I’m going out later to celebrate with friends; that’ll be lovely because they’ve all done really well too.”

Felix Baines7A*s and 3As
Horsforth based Rower, Felix, was part of the Concept 2 world record breaking BGS team last year. He said that he was surprised with an A* in English. His 7A*s and 3As mean that he is on course for his chosen A levels to study Engineering in two years’ time.

Edward Thorpe8A*s and 2As
Arkwright Scholar and member of the CCF, Edward, is aiming to study Engineering at university in two years. His mother Vicky said, “I’m exhilarated, it’s a relief, but he worked so hard I’m happy that he got the grades to carry on with the subjects that he wanted.”

Ajay Pulavarti9A*s and 1A
Keen Guisely FC footballer, Ajay, said of his 9A*s, “It’s only just sinking in. My work paid off, I’m very relieved I can go on with my chosen A Level subject and hope to study Mechanical Engineering or Computing at uni.” Mother Padma said, “I’m delighted, Ajay’s been so focused and worked so hard. It’s a double whammy as my other son, Anish got four straight A*s at A level. I’m incredibly proud of both of them.”

Anna Marsden8A*s, an A and 1B
Anna, a member of the Interact club and keen advocate for women’s rights said, “I feel a bit shaky – my results are better than expected.” Her mother, Kate commented, “I’m very proud and excited for her, she’s done so well.”

Sian Taylor A*, 3As, 4Bs and 1C
Hedben Bridge based rower Sian said that she was, “very pleased with an A* in Chemistry – I’m looking forward to focusing on maths and sciences at A level next year.” Her mother Sarah said, “I’m very pleased, Sian’s hard work has really paid off.”

Benjamin Moon4A*s, 4As and 2Bs
Benjamin volunteers regularly for School charity-based activities. He was pleased to get the best grades for his chosen A levels. Father, Old Bradfordian, Robert said, “he worked really hard for his results, I’m very proud of him.” His mother Kirsty said that she was, “over the moon.”

Megan Bulmer 9A*s and 1A
Leeds-based musician and team netballer Megan (left of photo) said, “I’m really surprised, I really didn’t expect to do so well – I’m in shock.”

Rabia Bashir 8A*s and 2As
Keen runner Rabia said, “I just can’t believe it, I’m in shock! I’m so excited. I really didn’t expect those results. I’m going onto study Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Religious Studies so really looking forward to next year.”

Milly Fewlass-Jones 10A*s
Milly (left of photo), a keen Hockey player, who represents Yorkshire at County level said, “I’m very happy, my parents are ecstatic. I’m going to celebrate with some friends at Leeds Festival later on.”

Matthew Cogan10A*s
Matthew said he was, “shocked, I wasn’t expecting that as all”. Alongside his studies, Matthew fits in being chair of the Interact club, swimming and water polo. His father, Paul commented, “It’s fantastic, I had complete faith in him, the school has prepared him so well.”

Maryam Nisa9A*s and 1A
Maryam (left of photo) was over the moon, “I just can’t believe my results, I totally didn’t expect it and it’s all so exciting!”

Freddie GloverStraight A*s and As
Keighley based rugby player and debater Freddie commented, “I got A*s in the subjects that I’m studying at A level and I’m looking forward to celebrating at the Lisbon Rugby Tour that starts tonight. I can’t wait.” Freddie’s mother Christine commented, “He’s done really well – I couldn’t be more pleased.”
“GCSE headlines at BGS make for cheerful reading but we are also happily aware of the many individual successes that represent a personal accomplishment for those students who realised or even exceeded expectations, irrespective of the grades they obtained.
Similarly, the success we are celebrating today represents only one piece of the whole educational package at BGS where a rich and diverse co-curricular programme is characterised by a wealth of opportunities inside and outside of the classroom.”
Simon Hinchliffe