“BGS is more than a school, it’s a community and a family. That’s where we are unique. The teachers always go the extra mile.”
Meet our Head Prefects
SHAAN A & HANNAH C – 2020/21
We caught up with Shaan and Hannah to find out how they have settled into their new roles as Head Prefects and to discover a little more about their time and experiences at Bradford Grammar School (BGS). Having both joined in Year 2, they had lots of memories to share! They truly are great ambassadors of BGS.

What made you want to be a Head Prefect?
Shaan – BGS has provided me with so many incredible opportunities and has made me into the person I am today. The position of Head Boy allows me to give back to the school and to represent BGS to the best of my ability.
Hannah – I’ve so many memories of being at BGS. To get the chance to be Head Girl seemed like the cherry on top of my BGS experience! I have always tried to be involved in many aspects of school life and felt I would have the knowledge that would be useful in the role, as well as being hugely supportive of school to want to do the role well.
How did you find the application process?
Shaan – I nominated myself and wrote an application for why I would like to be a school prefect. A vote then took place involving students and teachers. Following that, there was an interview for the Head Prefect position. I was able to explain exactly why I wanted to be Head Prefect, and seeing as though I represent the school, it was only right that everyone else had a say in the prefect selection process too.
Hannah – I think that the process of applying was very fair and had the correct balance of both student and staff input. It wasn’t too formal or scary, but it did give me some insight into what a professional interview is like and it was all very good experience for later on in life!
How did you feel when you found out you were Head Prefects?
Shaan – I was lost for words. I have always strived for the position, ever since I could remember at BGS. I’ve walked past the Head Prefect board every day, for ten years now. Seeing my name on it was an incredible feeling.
Hannah – I felt really proud. It was a really special moment as I know that there were so many amazing candidates in my year group and so for the teachers to have believed in and chosen me felt like a real achievement. I also felt excited to begin the role and to represent the student body in the best way possible.
What duties have you undertaken so far in your roles?
Shaan – I’ve helped run water stations at lunchtime for other students to fill up their water bottles during the pandemic. I’ve also made a speech at Founders’ Day, spoken on virtual Open Day and the virtual Sixth Form Open Event. The Senior Prefect team and I have also done a whole school assembly.
Hannah – This year’s Head Prefect duties have been slightly different due to the current situation we are in. However, we’ve still been busy. We’ve worked with the other Senior Prefects to create virtual assemblies, formed new lunchtime stations where pupils can come to fill up their water bottles, been involved in filming the school’s first ever virtual Open Day and we’ve even been models for the BGS-branded face masks!
What is the most exciting part of your role?
Shaan – I’ve grown to enjoy making speeches. When speaking and representing school, I feel a healthy pressure to perform well. This, and the feeling of success that follows it, is quite exciting.
Hannah – My favourite part of the role is being able to talk to and reach out to younger students, despite it being virtual this year. I’ve always tried to be a good role model as there were older students who I looked up to when I was younger. I also find it exciting that I’m able to be the voice of other students. Working together with Shaan and the Senior Leadership Team is a great opportunity.
How do you think you both complement each other?
Shaan – Hannah and I have been friends since Year 2. We grew up together and were both captains of our House in Junior School. We both have a strong desire to represent BGS the best that we can, and I can’t think of anyone better to be Head Prefect with.
Hannah – Shaan and I have been in many classes together right from the start, so it is nice to have a familiar face to work with. I think we complement each other well – we both have the same passion for the school and the same drive to do the role as best as we can. Shaan is a great leader and I’ve found the first half term of working alongside him really great.
What are your favourite BGS memories?
Shaan – I joined in 2009, so have lots of memories! The residential and ski trips are some of my favourite memories. The amazing teachers and my friends have made all of my experiences incredible. Playing rugby for the A-team throughout school has been brilliant and we have travelled around the country and abroad with the BGS badge proudly on our shirts. The feeling of winning games are memories I’ll never forget!
Hannah – I also joined when I was six years old, in Year 2. There have been so many amazing memories: the residential trips in Clock House (Junior School), the music concerts, the competitive sports fixtures, the ski trips, the fashion show – I could go on! Just having the opportunity to spend time with my friends and doing new, exciting activities at so many different events is something I will never forget.
What do you like most about BGS?
Shaan – The teachers and their desire to help me with whatever issues I’ve faced over the past ten years. BGS is more than a school, it’s a community and a family. That’s where we are unique. The teachers always go the extra mile.
Hannah – Aside from the opportunities that we get outside the classroom (music, sport, trips), I think the in-school support that we get from teachers is really special. There is never a time when a teacher will turn you away. They are always there to listen, to help and to do as much as they can to support you, whether it be in your school work, your friendship groups or your personal life. We are all really lucky to have the support that we do and it’s something that I think is really unique to BGS.
How else do you embrace school life? Are you involved in any co-curricular activities?
Shaan – I’ve represented school at mock trial competitions, at rugby, swimming, cricket and in projects such as the Bradford City of Culture bid and Anne Frank memorial project. I also volunteer at a homework club and teaching Year 4 rugby. I’ve also flown a plane with the CCF which was amazing.
Hannah – I’ve had a go at many different activities over the years, my success at them has definitely been varied but I’ve tried! I now play netball, training three times a week. It’s such a great way to spend time with friends, to get fit and to de-stress. I’m also in Senior Choir and I have singing lessons at school, meeting once a week, which is really fun.
What will you miss most about BGS?
Shaan – I will miss all of my friends and my teachers. The amazing experiences that I’ve had here are something that I’ll remember forever. I’m glad that my brother in Year 6 will be able to experience it, just as I have.
Hannah – There are a lot of things I’ll miss! Definitely my friends – I’ve made friends for life here and it will be so strange not seeing them every day! I’ll also miss the sense of community that there is at school and all the extra-curricular activities – I hope that I will find these when I move on to university, but I will never forget the memories I’ve made at BGS. I’ll definitely stay in touch!
“I’ve so many memories of being at BGS. To get the chance to be Head Girl seemed like the cherry on top of my BGS experience!”