“I’ve worked hard in, and for the school, and I feel I am being rewarded for that as well as giving back to the school and being a role model for younger students.”
Meet our Head Prefects
GEORGE H & CAITLIN R – 2022/23
We were delighted to catch up with our new Head Prefects George and Caitlin to find out how they have settled into their new roles and to discover a little more about their time and experiences at Bradford Grammar School (BGS). They truly are great ambassadors of BGS.

What made you want to be a Head Prefect?
George – For me, the most important thing was to repay the investment and opportunities that the school has given me since I joined in Year 7 – from the multitude of sporting activities to being in lessons where the teachers have helped develop me to where I am today.
Caitlin – I’ve been here since Year 7 and I’m proud to have been part of BGS and to have had the opportunities that have been offered to me. I’ve worked hard in, and for the school, and I feel I am being rewarded for that as well as giving back to the school and being a role model for younger students.
How did you feel when you found out you’d been selected?
George – It was unexpected. The other two Senior Prefects were just as qualified as me, but I was extremely happy and I couldn’t get the smile off my face when I found out.
Caitlin – I felt very excited and shocked. I am proud of all of us that are Senior Prefects.
What duties do you have to undertake?
George – A lot of it comes down to the organisation of the other prefects. I’m a Pastoral Prefect as well so I’ll organise the board games club at lunchtime and organise some bigger events such as the ball or the school yearbook.
Caitlin – We have to organise the Christmas and summer balls and also help out at lunchtimes. We give tours to Old Bradfordians and visitors to school, hold assemblies and we give speeches at Founders’ Day and Speech Day.
What subjects are you studying?
George – Maths, Economics, Psychology and PE.
Caitlin – Art, English Literature and History.
What parts of the role are you looking forward to?
George – I think I’ll enjoy being a role model for the younger students and to help them have the same experience at the school that I’ve had – that’s really important to me.
Caitlin – This role is a great opportunity to meet people. I feel like I’ve gained a lot from school which I’m happy to talk about. I’m looking forward to the assemblies and being able to speak in front of people and meeting visitors on Open Days. I’ll enjoy encouraging others to make the most of their opportunities.
What will the most challenging parts of the job be?
George – From what I’ve heard, the most challenging parts are people management and making sure that everyone is fulfilling their roles and responsibilities. It’s about everybody stepping up because the chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Caitlin – I agree with George in that it’s about making sure everybody feels listened to. I am also keen to keep up with all my co-curricular activities which will require managing my time.
How do you think you will complement each other?
George – Both of us are strongly determined and have a drive to fulfil the role to the best of our abilities. If we both have the dedication, then we can bounce ideas from one another and that will make a very effective team.
Caitlin – I think George and I are both driven and we want to do the job well. We’re both friendly people and good communicators. It will be a good opportunity for us to get to know each other as well.
What advice would you give to those younger wanting to be prefects?
George – The advice I would give is to be honest and be yourself, especially when you’re applying for the position and in the interviews. They’re looking for someone who has the commitment and connection to the School and you don’t want to fake that, it needs to be real!
Caitlin – Work hard and be nice to people. A lot of it comes down to what you’re like as a person rather than the subjects you study and what you want to do after school. It’s how you get along with people and how you handle responsibility that matters.
“I’ll enjoy being a role model for the younger students and to help them have the same experience at the school that I’ve had – that’s really important to me.”