“I wanted to encourage other students to get the most out of school as possible – to try new things and get stuck in.”
Meet our Head Prefects
TAYJUS B-M & REBECCA F – 2023/24
We were thrilled to catch up with our new Head Prefects, Rebecca and Tayjus to find out how they have settled into their new roles and to discover a little more about their time and experiences at BGS. They truly are great ambassadors of the school.

What made you want to be a Head Prefect?
Rebecca – Since joining BGS in Year 2, I’ve always looked up to the Head Girls. I’ve aspired to be like them, and I really wanted to be that role model for the younger girls in school now. I also wanted to give back to BGS, as I’ve been supported and encouraged in so many ways.
Tayjus – My time at BGS has presented many exciting, fun and challenging opportunities which I’ve benefited from. I wanted to encourage other students to get the most out of school as possible – to try new things and get stuck in.
How did you feel when you found out you were selected?
Tayjus – I was rather honoured – it was the perfect culmination of my time at BGS.
Rebecca – I was so proud of myself as it had been one of my main aspirations throughout my time at BGS.
What duties have you undertaken so far in your roles?
Rebecca – So far, I’ve done a few whole school assemblies with the Senior Prefect Team. I’ve also started collaborating with Clock House, as well as helped at school events such as the recent BGS Art Exhibition at Salts Mill.
Tayjus – We’ve also organised prefect rotas and represented the school at Open Day. On the side, we’re also organising the Christmas Ball.
How do you think you both complement each other? What are your strengths?
Tayjus – We do such different things, so we often have varying insights – that certainly makes us a strong team. Rebecca has a passion for the sciences and sport but I’m more humanities and arts oriented.
Rebecca – Tayjus is amazing at public speaking and is always cracking jokes – he keeps me calm before any assemblies or speeches we do.
What A Levels are studying?
Tayjus – I take History, Politics, Maths and Spanish – it’s a pretty good blend as it’s quite a broad combination.
Rebecca – I am studying Maths, Chemistry, Biology and History.
What are your favourite BGS memories?
Rebecca – Winning the English Schools Cross Country Nationals in 2021 as part of the BGS team and being able to go the World Championships. Also, the hockey tour to South Africa last summer was amazing as we got to experience a new culture, as well as play South African school teams and bond as a hockey squad.
Tayjus – Filming the Modern Foreign Languages videos to promote these subjects was ridiculously fun and definitely one of my fondest memories!
How do you embrace school life?
Tayjus – I’m involved in plenty! Debating, choirs, bands, subject societies and gym are my favourites. I’ve also taken lead roles in school drama productions.
Rebecca – I play in the hockey 1XI and love playing and training with the team. I also am immensely proud to say that I represent the school at cross country and fell running, having been part of the team that won the World Schools Cross Country Championships in Slovakia. Aside from sport, I also enjoy debating and have found it has really helped my public speaking skills.
What advice would you give to a new student at BGS?
Tayjus – Make the most of every opportunity given to you. But don’t always wait for them to be given to you – be proactive in searching for your next challenge or fun thing to get involved in.
Rebecca – I agree. Even if it feels scary or overwhelming at first, just get stuck into all the opportunities available and make the most of your time here.
What will you miss most about BGS?
Rebecca – I will miss the people I have met during my time at BGS, as I have made so many amazing friends who I will miss so much when I go off to university.
Tayjus – Probably my friends and the community we have here. It’s rare to be in an environment where the people around you at all levels actually enjoy what they are doing and want to be there – I’ll certainly miss that.
“I also wanted to give back to BGS, as I’ve been supported and encouraged in so many ways.”