“Providing access to BGS for a diverse range of pupils will go on to help industry, the economy, and wider society.”
Michael Scott

“As an Old Bradfordian who attended BGS in the 70s, I spent a large part of my career in the STEM industries.
Mindful of the need for more female engineers in the sector, and the move BGS made to co-education in the early 1980s, I was delighted to learn of how many female BGS pupils are being empowered to take up the sciences at A Level. This, and the knowledge that assisted places are such a priority for my old school, has encouraged me to make a regular commitment in support of bursary provision.
It is clear to me that whilst some things may have changed, the same egalitarian principles remain very much in evidence at BGS.
Providing access to BGS for a diverse range of pupils will go on to help industry, the economy, and wider society. I am proud to play my part in these efforts.”