“For me, a leading lady has to be someone who is really adaptable to change. My coach is amazing and has had to adapt to so many different situations.” Meet Abby-Mae Parkinson OLD [...]
Jane Chapman
Emma Wragg2021-02-24T09:21:10+00:00"The women I admire the most are the ones that are making a good job of whatever they do – whether they are in a higher paid job or being a home maker. They [...]
Jaya Krishna
Emma Wragg2021-02-24T09:56:47+00:00“I think a lot of changes have been made which are for the better but despite there being more women in the world, most positions of power are still held by men. A lot [...]
Helen Haigh
Emma Wragg2021-02-24T09:59:00+00:00“There’s always going to be pauses in women’s careers if they have children but that’s not to say they can’t come back afterwards and over time slot back in. Having equality with men means [...]
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