Leavers’ Destinations
at Bradford Grammar School
Leavers’ Destinations
BGS consistently sees its Sixth Form students secure places on the most competitive university courses and the vast majority of those who apply, achieve a place for degree level study in their chosen area.
Sixth Form

Terrifically successful at A and AS Levels, BGS is recognised as having the highest average university admission points per student of any school in West Yorkshire.
In 2023, 152 A Level students celebrated outstanding success with 55 per cent achieving A*/A grades. Overall, 94 per cent of students at BGS secured A-C grades.
We are very proud of how successfully and smoothly run our UCAS application process is at the School, with a comprehensive programme of important Higher Education events firmly embedded within Sixth Form life.
One of our central aims in the Sixth Form is to help each student realise their ambition of securing a place on the most appropriate course and at the best possible university for them.
We seek to give accurate and realistic advice regarding students’ university prospects in light of their Sixth Form experience and predicted grades, and remain fully committed to supporting them through the application process.
Our students consistently secure places on the most competitive university courses, at institutions with rigorous entry requirements. 2023 was no exception.
Of the 152 students who applied in 2023, 89% continued to Higher Education in the UK or abroad. Six students achieved Oxbridge places (four at Oxford and two at Cambridge).
15 students secured places at medical school – three went on to study dentistry and three went on to study veterinary medicine.
Figures provided by UCAS confirm that of BGS’s leavers in 2023:
- 89% secured a place at an institution of their preferred choice
- 74% of these were accepted by a higher tariff provider, typically Russell Group universities
- 89% continued with Higher Education in the UK or abroad.
Students from BGS travel far and wide in order to fulfil their aspirations