360 Virtual Tour
of Bradford Grammar School
Take our Virtual Tour
Immerse yourself in all that Bradford Grammar School has to offer by accessing the 360° virtual tour of our Junior, Senior and Sixth Form.
About Bradford Grammar School
We are very proud of our School, its history and stunning grounds and facilities.
Take a look at our impressive grounds and explore the various facilities we have for Junior, Senior and Sixth Form and get a glimpse into what life at BGS is really like, all from the comfort of your home.
If you’d like to arrange an in-person visit or to find out more about BGS and whether it is the right fit for you and your family, get in touch with our admissions team:
Junior School admissions:
Sarah Lockett on 01274 553713 or email admissions.jnr@bradfordgrammar.com
Senior School and Sixth Form admissions:
Karen Hewitt on 01274 553702 or email admissions@bradfordgrammar.com